7 Things That Can Happen If You Don’t Wash Your Hands
Handwashing is a simple act that you (hopefully!) do many times a day, but it's even more important than...
12 Scary Diseases You Didn’t Know You Could Catch at the Beach
Sunburn isn't the only concern at the shore this year. Keep your family safe by protecting them against these scary...
9 Things That Food Poisoning Experts Never Eat
Some foods are more associated with illnesses than others, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). But...
10 Ways You’re Washing Your Hands Wrong
Improper handwashing can leave you susceptible to germs. Make sure you’re not making common hand-washing mistakes.
Do You Really Need to Clean Your Grocery Store Shopping Cart?
Your grocery store shopping cart could be a germ magnet! Here's what you need to know.
Are Measles Coming Back? What You Need to Know
Measles are so last century, right? You might think no one actually gets them anymore, but recent outbreaks suggest otherwise.
Kissing! Sex! 6 Answers to Very Personal Zika Virus Questions to Keep You Safe
The Zika virus has been detected in blood, semen, saliva, and urine. Here's what you need to know about Zika...
6 Ways to Avoid Getting Bitten By a Zika Virus Mosquito
The most effective way to protect yourself from the Zika virus is to prevent mosquito bites.