Myth: You need to rinse after you brush your teeth
“Most toothpastes contain levels of fluoride that help reverse the early stages of tooth decay by remineralizing the tooth enamel. If you rinse with a mouthwash or water, you don’t give the toothpaste enough time to work, so you don’t get the full benefit. I see too many patients with this issue, and they all look at me with a shocked face when I tell them they’ve been doing things incorrectly almost all their life.” —Eugene Gamble, periodontal surgeon. Watch out for these other common toothbrushing mistakes.
Myth: Carbs make you fat
“Many people are avoiding carbs trying to lose weight, but carbs are part of a healthy diet and necessary, especially if you work out. It’s the type of carbohydrate that is important. Whole grains such as oats, barley, whole-wheat pasta, bread and brown rice, and beans and lentils, for example, supply a tremendous amount of fiber, vitamins, and minerals. Not to mention that these types of carbs help decrease the risk of heart disease, diabetes, some cancer, and metabolic syndrome. They also help maintain a healthy weight.” —Kim Melton, RD, with Nutrition Pro Consulting & Counseling
Don’t wreck your health by believing these 8 carbohydrate myths.
Myth: If you work out, you can eat whatever you want
“When it comes to weight loss and maintenance, diet is king. Many people justify eating unhealthy foods because they’ve worked out that day. Unfortunately, most people (and exercise machines) overestimate the number of calories burned during a workout, which gives people a false sense of ‘I can eat anything,’ which can actually lead to weight gain. If you really want to lose weight, you need to take a good look at your diet and focus on filling up on nutrient-dense foods; exercise alone won’t do the trick.” —Tory Tedrow, RD, CNSC, head of nutrition for ContentChecked. Learn about 50 fitness myths that can seriously damage your health.