
Whether your relationship is platonic or romantic, every relationship is important. Learn about how to have a healthy relationship with everyone in your life.

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What Is Breadcrumbing? How to Spot This Red Flag in Relationships

If you're worried a person—either a friend or a potential romantic partner—is stringing you along by breadcrumbing you, here's how...

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Are You Self-Sabotaging Relationships? Here’s What to Do

Here are the signs you may be self-sabotaging your relationships, how to fix it, and when to seek help.

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What Is Narcissistic Abuse Syndrome?

The mental and emotional consequences of dating a narcissist can be narcissistic abuse syndrome. Here's what therapists want you...

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Healthy vs. Unhealthy Relationships: How to Tell the Difference

Experts reveal how to tell the difference between a healthy vs. unhealthy relationship, when to seek professional help, and when...

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What Is Narcissistic Abuse? 6 People Share Real-Life Examples

Narcissistic abuse can be hard to pinpoint. Here, real people share what it was like having a relationship with a...

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6 Characteristics of a Healthy Relationship

Experts detail the characteristics of a healthy relationship, including trust, respect, and communication, and tips on how to achieve...

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17 Abusive Relationship Quotes to Help You Move On

All relationships should be free of physical, mental, and emotional abuse. Here are abusive relationship quotes to help you leave...

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What Is a Toxic Relationship? What Therapists Need You to Know

Toxicity can exist on a spectrum, but the key to knowing where your relationship falls lies in your partner's behavior.

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How to Deal With Passive-Aggressive People

Passive-aggressive people can be difficult. Here are expert tips on how to deal with passive-aggressive behavior—whether it's from a family...

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6 Ways to Build Trust in a Relationship

Trust can offer peace of mind and growth in relationships and takes time to build and, in some cases, rebuild....

9 Examples of Gaslighting, According to Therapists

Gaslighting can happen between romantic partners but also in family relationships, friendships, at work, and even with your doctor.

Here’s What a Narcissist Does at the End of a Relationship

When it comes to ending a relationship, a narcissist will act in multiple ways. Here are the signs to...

Are You Dating a Narcissist? Here’s How to Tell

It can be challenging to tell whether you're just dating someone who is self-centered or dating a narcissist. Experts...

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16 Gaslighting Phrases that Are Red Flags

Gaslighters control you by getting you to doubt your own reality. These gaslighting phrases can help you spot this

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13 Signs You’re in a Codependent Relationship

A codependent relationship is one in which a partner assumes the role of the "giver" or "rescuer" while the...

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49 Quotes That Perfectly Capture What It’s Like to Fall in Love

Is there anything more exciting, comforting—or terrifying—than falling in love? If you can't stop pinching yourself (and can't catch your...

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Is Your Spouse Micro-Cheating? Here’s What that Is and How to Know

These things may look innocent at first but they can have serious consequences.

14 Funny Quotes About Friendship

Grab a friend or two for a few laughs with these funny friendship quotes that will remind you to...

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What Is Gaslighting—and How to Tell if You’re Experiencing It

Gaslighting is a type of emotional abuse that is much more common in relationships than you might think.

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5 Factors Linked to Successful Relationships, According to Science

Falling in love is the easy part. Here's some relationship advice for how to make it last—according to...

12 Signs You’re in a Toxic Relationship

Can you recognize the signs of a toxic relationship? Do you know how to fix the situation? Learn both...

14 Places to Donate to Fight Racism and Injustice

If you want to address racial injustice, these organizations will help make sure your donation does the most good in...

How to Online Date While Social Distancing for Coronavirus

A single woman and a committed couple share how they are dating during Covid-19 quarantine while still following social...

Asking Yourself These Two Little Questions Can Stop Any Fight in its Tracks

Science suggests asking these two questions is the key to a better relationship and to resolving conflicts more effectively among...

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These Are the 2 Words Never to Say to Someone Going Through a Crisis

If a friend is going through a crisis and approaches you for support, focus on listening, and avoid these two...

10 Tiny Ways to Make Your Partner Feel Loved

We asked relationship experts for tips on how to make your partner feel loved and appreciated, leading to better...

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When Your Partner Has Anxiety, Here Are 9 Ways You Can Help

Supporting a partner with anxiety can be a challenging proposition. Patience and understanding go a long way. Here are some...

15 Signs That Your Relationship Could Turn Abusive

Pay close attention to these warning signs of a potentially abusive relationship.

15 Things Most Women Don’t Realize About Domestic Violence

In just five minutes—by the time you finish this article—nearly 100 people will have been the victims of physical violence...