Shaving tips to prevent razor burn in armpits
There are a number of products to help with razor burn in armpits (more on those in a minute!), but following Dr. Jaliman’s five tips will also help reduce your chances of discomfort.
1. Start by exfoliating. “Exfoliate the area you are shaving to bring the hair completely out of the follicle,” she suggests. Exfoliation is also one way to get rid of ingrown hairs.
2. Avoid waterless razors. “Even if they have some sort of ingredient that is released while shaving, you will usually get some discomfort after you have shaved.” Shaving cream is your friend.
3. Use a razor with multiple blades. “This helps with the number of times you’ll have to pass the razor on your skin, reducing chances of irritation.”
4. Shave while you bathe. “Along with making sure hair is well hydrated before beginning, I recommend shaving against the growth of your strands and using warm water. It opens the pores, making it easier to shave.”
5. Change your blades. “Replace them often,” Dr. Jaliman advises. Unsurprisingly, this is one basic when it comes to the best ways to shave your legs.
Aveeno Therapeutic Shave Gel
“Aveeno has this shaving gel, which is great for those prone to razor bumps,” says Dr. Jaliman. “It’s ideal for underarms.”
This Aveeno shave gel contains oat and vitamin E, which help to moisturize and relieve dryness. Oats have antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties and help treat dry skin and remove dead skin cells. Finish off pits withe one of the best natural deodorants, or better yet, crystal deodorant.
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eos Shea Better 24H Moisture Shave Cream
“One of my favorite brands is eos, and this shave cream contains shea butter, aloe, and oats,” says Dr. Jaliman. “These are all ingredients I recommend and look for myself in shaving creams or gels. It also contains vitamins E and C, which are antioxidants and help revitalize the skin. Vitamin E helps with inflammation from already irritated armpits.”
Read on to discover more dermatologist skin care tips that some docs follow themselves.
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